A downloadable soundtrack

Separate upload for the CHROMASHIFT OST. You can also find it at https://deedave.itch.io/chromashift along with the full game. Say hi to your mom for me, grant credit and link back, yadda yadda

There exist two things in this world: That Which Is, and That Which Is Not. You are a construct willed into being by That Which Is Not, with a singular purpose in mind.
Your constitution naturally draws you to concentrations of That Which Is, as well as providing you with the power to absorb and assimilate It temporarily.
Within these concentrations are six bastions of That Which Is. Six bulwarks against which the tide of endless void shall break.
You are to destroy them.
You are to use their attacks against them.

You are to finish the job.


[CHROMA SHIFT] The Complete Album - Chobsup.zip 272 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip, and listen! All in .wav format

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